Category: Doctor Who

Best of 2010

Theatre: Shakespeare 1. Romeo and Juliet (RSC). 2. King Lear (RSC). 3. As You Like It (West Yorkshire Playhouse). 4. Measure for Measure (Almeida). 5. The Winter’s Tale (RSC/Roundhouse). 6. Henry IV part 2 (Globe). 7. Macbeth (Globe). 8. Antony and Cleopatra (RSC). 9. Antony and Cleopatra (Liverpool Playhouse). 10. Hamlet (The Crucible, Sheffield). 11.…

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Hamlet (BBC2, 26th December 2009).

In the Doctor Who two parter, ‘The End of Time’, the time is clearly ‘out of joint’ for the Doctor.  He has been having fun instead of being there to sort out the Master’s usurpation of the human race.  In trying to set this right, the tenth Doctor hurtles towards his own death.  Does this remind us of  the…

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Who is Hamlet

I couldn’t help making another Doctor Who and Hamlet connection when I saw the images of Jude Law performing ‘To be or not to be’ in the snow and thinking of those images of David Tennant as the Doctor’s apparent last moments staggering through the snow.

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The Writer's Tale

I have just been reading Russell Davies’ The Writer’s Tale. The book is about the conception and filming of Series 4 of Doctor Who. So a very heavy hardback, with lots of delicious photographs of the programme and behind the scenes stuff, as well as snippets of scripts. Written in an epistolatory style, it uses…

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